Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have a room that looks just like this well kinda I need to take a pic so I can show what i got wrong and what I was trying to achive....this is it totally! I will take this pic and try to empliment this off of my new kitchen and I will add a pic tomorrow of what it looks like now. Ro

This Week on the Farm

No Kitchen work to be done. Hubby has only one full day home, and he has volunteered to put up a play structure for our son who is two and bored stiff, you would think living on a farm he would not be ,,,,,but he isn't really he just gets into everything and we can't get anything done. lol so we need to contain him to one area and I feel this is the best solution. I know I know it isn't me though hubby actully said he wanted to do it....maybe he wants to play on it, our sixteen year old says he is busy this weekend with the draft. yah so I need volunteers, and now you know the real reason we cannot find any babysitters when we are trying to get work done, teenagers and babys do not mix. However if you want to ensure you have no teenage pregnancys just have one, and they will tie there tubes! you will not have to worry yourself again.... Ro


We finished the edge of the tile around the sink and put the pulls on the cabinets. We did some yard work and well we still need to grout...someday....Ro Did I mention that gas is 4 dollars a gallon and I drive a suburban yah anyway just thought I would put that out there, I do feel a rant comming on....maybe next time. Ro


I recently tryed a new recipe from pw cooks and man I have never felt guilt over a dessert before now.... This recipe is so easy you will not believe how quick it is or how flavorful it is ...feel free to leave feedback so other ppl will know if it is worth making. The combination of texture is unbelievable as pw said...


2 granny smith apples
2 cans crescent rolls
2 sticks of butter
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 teas of vanilla
1 cup mt dew soda

Peel and core apples. slice into 8 slices each. Roll each piece into a cresent roll. Place into a 9 x 13 inch buttered pan. Melt butter in saucepan. Then add sugar and barely stir( you want it to be lumpy when you pour it) add vanilla stir and pour over apples. Pour mt dew around the edge and down the center. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 for 40 min. No need to cover.serve with vanilla ice cream or whip cream.
It will be crispy on top from the sugar butter mixture...and melt in your mouth good...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I came across a pic of the hgtv show that inspired us to do our kitchen they did there kitchen for the cost of materials plus the counters so it was about 12000 10,000 for the counters. So it was cheap and you can see how we applied the idea to our kitchen and we are going to add these cabinets above our existing cabinets as they added them under their existing cabinets, and they added them next to their frig that was standing alone as ours was, but we decided to remove the wall our frig was on so here it is.. I am so glad I can share it...and our kitchen remodel was only 12oo.00 its amazing what rearanging your cabinets can do for a kitchen....Ro

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I look at my blog title and I question the farmhouse meaning, with four kids I feel like I live in a farm not on a farm, I was looking through other blogs and I hear a squirting noise behind me and I look over to notice it is my two year old son with my bottle of dish soap and he is dumping it out on my chair...nice. I am thinking what do I clean a mess like this up with ....its a I wet a towel ? no, or yes, how about the shop vac, ummmm no, maybe I ll just leave it and it will dry up, no. I have now scrubbed it with a wet rag and now a dry towel and I continue to look at it it is bubbly and white at this point..... its a mystery... I love my kids but I wonder where have i gone wrong? my nineteen year old calls one day and says she was going to pay her rent for the first time she went to get a money order (that is what her roomate told her to get) she asked her roomate how much it cost? and the roomate told her it would be about 50cents. she says ok so where do i get one she asks and the roomate tells her she is to go to the grocery store so she goes and stands in line and then gets to the counter and asks for a 400.00 money order...the gal says ok it will be 400.50 my daughter says wait I thought it was 50 cents for the money order and the lady tells her that it is daughter says oh good and she gives her 50 cents and the gal looks at her and says impatiently that she needs another 400.00 to go with it... and my daughter says what do you mean you just said it is 50 cents... the gal says yes for the money order, but you need to pay for the amount of the money order still and my daughter says I just did I don't understand what you want from me???so she leaves all upset that that gal was so uncooperative, so she calls me because she can't understand why she could n't get a money order.....?????????????????? what am I supposed to say to that....I could go on but I will save my oldest daughter stories for another time lets just say she is blonde... lol Gods cruel joke to moms.....and Two year olds are just to late to send 10 year old well she has a boyfriend longer than my oldest has ever had a relationship...which is against the rules you can't have a boyfriend before your sixteen right...right! and my sixteen year old son has been enrolled in hard core x box training that appears to be a longer course than originally agreed....were having trouble getting him uninrolled when we see him around the house that is... it really gives a new meaning to FARM......RO

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aliens are running our country....

Well we are all wondering about the times we are living in....some of us are saying we should be thankful for our jobs...others are saying do we sell or stay times like these we have to ask ourselves do we make some changes to cut corners or should we make bigger choices and what is the best decisions for our family....I guess the biggest question is how bad is it gonna get? mybe we have aliens running our country and making laws that govern our welfare such as why are our children and the old the first to get a cut when the econmy goes soft it only makes since that aliens are are making sure our young are to stupid to fight them and the elderly just die off sooner so they don't have to deal with them....right??? That would explain alot really why do we give our resources to other counrties before our own...what about our homeless and starving...interesting I am not sure what there angle is on that one... We can't afford to drive to work well I know what the angle is on that one.
Just thought I would put it out there so everyone would know the real truth .......Or at least consider ufos "UNINFORMED FREAKING OFFICALS"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is that you say? "Dead Rooster Walkin" oh we will see about that missy. I rule this house don't forget it! what are you lookin at anyway worthless humans can't even kill a rooster "pathetic "I say... Just Pathetic....I will be around for awhile the old man doesn't have the gonads to do anything about it.....and the lady of the house just runs same with that snot nosed farm brat she is always draggin around......if you can't deal with the rooster get the heck out of the hen house, I say..... oh and get the feed here on time next time !!!! what do you think this is anyway??????????? Well gettin layed aint free ya know.......

My Front Porch ....SOMEDAY !!!!!


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


To my utter dismay after babying them along,you know, box in the garage...a big mess but they needed a heat lamp...then I moved them outside and they still needed the heat lamp....I bought them all together because i was told that they would get along better if they grew up together so I did as I was told ....I babyed these things along and oh man what a pain but I just knew all my hard work would pay off in the end,,,,, ok so we named them old lady names....and two of them started crowing so I had a little banty rooster who could barely crow but we loved him , then he commited suicide by jumping in the dog pen.....he never made it out poor guy...
then our beloved large hen started crowing and we thought she was missin him turns out she was just late to developing so now.....we have a wholy terror on the farm, he has managed to attack me and my two year old and then another one and half year old. And then my two yr old got in the pen the other day when i turned my back for two minutes and yes he was attacked again....(mind you he only has one leg cuz for what ever reason he is limping) so is he dead you ask? well he should be...but no he is alive and my brat was just fine. I took some pics of him because I will never have another one... My man needs to take him for a walk the problem is the kids are always around.....anyway so now i only have three layers and my two ducks are males so no eggs from those now back to square one. I need to get another two female ducks and take and baby them along start over basically.... Oh these lessons would be so much easier if I did not have to learn them and someone could just tell Ro


1. DON'T CLIP COUPONS...ok but be sure your not paying 4 times the amount to save and end up spending more in the end especially at the higher end stores because we never just buy whats on the list of sale items.....and normally the list items are listed at a higher price anyway..
2. DON'T GO TO WAL-MART TO BUY TOILETRIES.....AS YOU WILL SPEND MORE AT WALMART ON OTHER CRAP....unless you are very disiplined and only stick to the list....
3. DON'T GO TO WAL-MART EXCEPT ONCE A MONTH or not at all..... because if you do you will walk out going "I didn't buy anything" and I just spent 100.00 and if your lucky thats all you spent!!!!! LOL !!!!!
4. ALWAYS STICK TO YOUR GROCERY LIST..... hmmm yah right like thats gonna happen...
5. WE ALL KNOW NOT TO SHOP HUNGRY !!!! yah right I am always running to the store on the go and hungry lol which brings me to the 6th

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

kitchen so far

I'm a Photo Dummy

I need a picture taking book for dummies lol I have started using my camera lately well trying to get serious anyway...what a joke i bought a camera thats not digital ( i have a digital one as well) but i was trying to force myself to actually go in a get them printed anyway its the one with the long lense well i bought it to go with my camera a cannon slr or something pioneer woman motivated me i guess you could I take a bunch of pictures and some look great and some look like crap lol so I can't remember what i did to what picture how the heck will this ever work i say...anyway I will keep you posted on what i find out....